Meet Our Owners:
Brian & Kasey Rooney

Brian and Kasey are often asked “Where did the idea of Produce Gal came from?” Here is their sweet story- a little nerdy and goofy, but sweet nonetheless:

Brian has spent literally his entire life working in or around the fresh produce industry. Kasey met Brian years ago on a blind date through some mutual friends. As their relationship developed, Brian’s name came up in conversations with friends and family, and he became endearingly referred to as “the Produce Guy.” They would attend functions with friends or family, and Brian was always asked what was in season, why a piece of fruit didn’t taste like it should, why a vegetable was so expensive, or how something should be ripened or stored—you name it. He has a tremendous love and passion for it and loves talking about the business.

Eventually, “the Produce Guy” and Kasey got married. One night while preparing dinner in the kitchen of their first home together, Kasey referred to herself as “the Produce Gal,” and Brian got a funny look on his face. He said, “that should be a company name or a produce brand…”

They didn’t think about it for a while, but they started noticing a trend in society of people who increasingly wanted to know more about produce and how to get back to better-tasting produce, produce that tasted the way they remembered from when they were younger.

At the same time, Brian knew several growers who grew great produce but didn’t have a big presence in the market. The industry has become so commercialized with demand for 12-month availability, and as a result, there is mass production and long shipping distances. Produce is grown now to look pretty and hold up for long periods of time—often at the expense of flavor.

From these conversations, their business concept was planted. How do they shift trends back to consuming produce at peak ripeness and in season, which translates to the best flavor? How do they give everyone access to seasonal produce from smaller farms in regions that have been forgotten by the industry? That’s where Produce Gal hopes to help. The goal is to take the guesswork out of what tastes good and what’s in season.

Kasey and Brian encourage people to give Produce Gal a try. If someone is a regional grower of fresh fruits or vegetables, they invite them to reach out. If a business has a unique food or beverage product and needs help bringing it to market or reaching a wider audience, Produce Gal is there to help cool new ideas take off and bring long-forgotten products back into the marketplace.

It’s a simple idea—let’s get back to “flavor first” in fresh produce.